First Baptist Church
of Greenacres
A Place of Grace
Sunday Morning
Worship with us in-person and online
on Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am!
We incorporate traditional hymns and contemporary praise-and-worship with a hometown church atmosphere.
Food Pantry
Effective September 1,
our Food Pantry has
closed permanently.
Dates to Remember
Saturday, September 21 at 10:00 AM: Women on Mission Meeting. All women are encouraged to attend. Please sign up in the foyer.
Sunday, September 22: Special love offering for Pastor Jerry as part of our five-Sunday month giving initiative.
Wednesday, September 25 at 6:00 PM: Business Meeting and In-Person Worship Service in the fellowship hall, followed by a cake fellowship for those with birthdays in September.
Sunday, September 29 at 11:00 AM: Michael Wayne Smith in Concert. The concert is free; however, a love offering will be collected. Be sure to bring a friend!
Thursday, October 31 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM: Trunk or Treat
In-Person Worship // Sundays // 11:00 am
In-Person Bible Study // Last Wednesday of the Month // 6:00 pm