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Our Beliefs

Prayer Group
Prayer Group
  • Authority of Scripture - We view the word of The Lord, The Holy Bible,  as complete truth from beginning to end, and as Evangelical Christians, we use it as the ultimate authority in shaping a person's life and helping them in coming closer with The Lord.


  • Baptism - As indicated by our name, First Baptist Church of Greenacres, our distinction is made in our practice of believer's baptism. We consider baptism by immersion to be an ordinance for believers only and used as an act of symbolism, a life made new in Christ, not having any power in itself. The act of baptism symbolizes what Christ has done for the believer in His death, burial, and resurrection, and what He has done for the believer through the new birth, enabling death to the old life and newness of life to walk in. Baptism gives testimony to salvation already received, and it is not a requirement to gain salvation through Jesus Christ but is rather an act of obedience to Jesus Christ. ​


  • Church Authority - Our church is operated as the local church and our membership is made up of fellow believers. By membership vote, we choose our Pastor and Staff and operate our own buildings and grounds. We are funded in entirety by the attenders of the church. We believe that upper-level positions in the church, such as deacon, should be reserved for the men. In addition, we believe that marriage was ordained by God to be between one man and one woman. We also believe that Jesus' second coming will take place soon and that we should work our hardest, through local and foreign missions, to bring as many individuals to Christ before it is too late.


  • Communion - (Also known as The Lord's Supper) is observed on the first Sunday of each month and memorializes the death of Christ. We practice open communion, which means that as long as you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, we invite and encourage you to observe the table with us.


  • Equality - We believe that all people are equal in God's eyes, but that the husband or man has authority in the household and the responsibility to protect his family. The wife or woman ought to respect and love her husband and submit graciously to his leadership.


  • Evangelical - Our church identifies as Evangelical, meaning that we adhere to the belief that while humanity is fallen, the good news is that Christ came to pay the penalty of our sins on the cross. That penalty, now paid in full, means that God offers forgiveness and new life as a free gift. All who will receive Christ as Lord may have it.


  • Evangelism - The Good News is so vital that telling it is like sharing a cure for cancer. One could not keep it to himself. Evangelism and missions are very important ministries within our church. Our biggest outreach ministry is the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet.


  • Heaven and Hell - We believe in heaven and hell. People who fail to recognize God as the one and only God and Jesus as His Son Who Died in payment for our sins are condemned to hell for eternity. Those who believe and put their faith in Jesus will live in Heaven Eternally.


  • Loss of Salvation - We do not believe that true believers will (or can) fall away and, thereby, lose their salvation. We tend to refer to this belief as "once saved, always saved." It doesn't mean the believer won't stumble, but it does mean that a true believer will never lose sight of The Lord.


  • Salvation - The only way to get into heaven is salvation through Jesus Christ. To achieve salvation one must pray the sinner's prayer, which we often refer to as "The ABCs of Salvation":

    • A. Admit to God that you are a sinner​.

    • B. Believe that Jesus is God's Son.

    • C. Confess the Name of Jesus and proclaim the good news of your salvation.


  • Salvation by Faith - It is only by faith and belief that Jesus died for mankind and that He is the one and only God that people gain entrance into heaven.


  • The Second Coming - We believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ will take place soon, the time when God will judge and divide between the saved and the lost and Christ will judge believers, rewarding them for acts done while living on earth.


First Baptist Church of Greenacres
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561-964-3115 | Office

561-292-0835 | Fax


201 Swain Boulevard

Greenacres, FL 33463




Book of Acts Bible Study | Sundays 9:30 AM

Worship | Sundays 11 AM 



Someone from our ministry team will reach out to you as soon as possible!

© 2014-2025 First Baptist Church of Greenacres | All Rights Reserved

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